seafoods galore!
A couple from L's class had invited us to a dinner. Actually the invitation was for last night but we didn't make it because we came back late from Daejeon.
At first we thought we'll just head back to their house after they fetch us from our apartment, but they said we are going to Gunsan which is an hour away from Buyeo. Whoah! an hour travel just for a dinner and it's already 7pm - it better be good, or else!
They brought us in a japanese restaurant, with an old white castle structure and big pharaohs statues in every corners, hmm seems like doesn't match at all! too bad I didn't bring our camera. Inside the ambience was cool, we are seated near the water but can't see much of the view since it's already dark.
We are delighted when they started, an array of seafoods which are combination of japanese and korean dishes was served lavishly. Foods are served continously, as in non-stop! we haven't finish our plate yet and here comes ajussa (young lady) with a new serving in hands. This is one place wherein we can say that we had a real japanese, that as much as we like to eat, we're stuffed! Hwanga (student) said that she'll ask a doggy bag for the left over foods, but she must be too full to remember it. We call it a night while we can still carry ourselves home.
So much fun, stuffed, satisfied :)

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