Thursday, October 14, 2004

brain hiccups

deja vu, does it happens to you? an uncanny feeling of having experienced something but being unable to recall if exactly happened, or if a previous incident, you wonder when and where.

After my dental appointment we wandered around downtown and L end up with a nice jacket. On our way home I saw a fancy store, been meaning to get hair clips for my short hair so we stop by. I was heading down the counter when colorful dangled earrings on the wall attract my attention. It was kinda weird because these kinds of stuff never facinates me at all or much to try them. I don't know what gotten into me that I end up trying one, and as soon as I put on the trinket, swayed my head with adornment, right there and then it happened! was I been there before, does the same situation previously occurred or it was just a segments of my dreams, anyhow, it's strange, unexplainable....

I remember a couple of times L asked me if I ever experienced deja vu, because it happens to him for a few times. But I dont pay much attention to it, now I can say, been there, feel that. Anyway I buy the earrings, will keep it as a souvenir and a connotation for my first time ever deja vu.

As I search the net about deja vu, I found a whole lot of explanation here's one,

"friend who is a psychiatrist, as I once asked him his thoughts on Deja-Vu. He explained it to me as an electrical impulse misfire in our brain. Actually he used the term hiccup to dumb it down for me. He said he believes our brain "hiccups" and makes our current situation feel already played out in our brain. Thats the science excuse. Personally when I have deja-vu, I realize I am experiencing something I had already dreamed, similar to the theory given earlier."

I must've a brain hiccups when I swayed my head :)


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