I feel your pain

Caroline is 2 months and she had her check up last Friday. She is now 10lbs 13oz and 22.75inches. She's growing fast!
She had her first shots too. Like they said there is nothing like watching a needle inserted into your infant's thigh to bring new meaning to the expression "I feel your pain". I feel like crying everytime she screams while being poked. Luckily the 4 shots (that most people at work told me) are now reduced to two , Hib and DTaP. Still there's nothing worse than trying to comfort an infant right after she received vaccination shots.
As expected she had a fever the next day. But aside from a fever (101 F) and a slightly swollen thigh, she didnt gave us a hard time. She sleep, eat, peed and pooped like nothing hurt. We gave her infant's tylenol and sponges in-between to lower the fever. She's better now (hopefully no more fever until next shot). She's on her swing having a nap (after entertaining herself with her mobile) while am blogging.

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