Here in Korea Valentines Day is celebrated in a manner which is different than what we all are used to. Many girls and young women give gifts to their boyfriends, particularly chocolates. They invest in huge baskets of candies to give to their prospective men. Lots of shops display varities of chocolates and in groceries, fancy stores and bakeries, it sure is raining chockies! While this seems rather one sided, there is another occasion when men return the favor. It is called 'White day'. Sometimes men invite women to wine and dine in fancy restaurants. Also there's 'Black day' - a celebration of men and woman who don't have boyfriends or girlfriends which involves eating 'cha jang mien'(black chinese noodles). As I speak to annabanana on the phone, there are all kinds of days celebrated every 14th of the month; that means more gifts to come :)
Downtown is crowded with many young people who enjoy this day. Women gets gaga buying gifts for their love ones, and I for one joined them and got a gift for my hunny!

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